
[1] Cognitive Side Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs in Children
By David W. Loring, Ph.D.
Psychiatric Times September 2005 Vol. XXII Issue 10

[2] Dietary and Medication Adjustments to Improve Seizure Control in Patients Treated With the Ketogenic Diet
By Jessica H. Selter, BS1, Zahava Turner, RD2, Sarah C. Doerrer, CPNP3, and Eric H. Kossoff, MD3
Journal of Child Neurology, DOI: 10.1177/0883073814535498

[3] The current state of epilepsy guidelines: A systematic review
By *†Khara M. Sauro
Epilepsia, 57(1):13–23, 2016,  DOI: 10.1111/epi.13273

[4] Epilepszia – Az Egészségügyi Minisztérium szakmai protokollja
Szerzők: Dr. Farkas Viktor, Dr. György Ilona, Dr. Kálmánchey Rozália
Csecsemő- és Gyermekgyógyászati Szakmai Kollégium

[5] Ketogenic Diets: An Update for Child Neurologists
By Kossoff EH,Zupec-Kania BA,Rho JM,
Journal: J Child Neurol, ISSN: 08830738, Citations: (): 2009

[6] Ketogenic Diet Efficacy in the Treatment of Intractable Epileptic Spasms
By Husam R. Kayyali MD*, Megan Gustafson BSN, RN, Tara Myers MSN, RN, CPNP, Lindsey Thompson MS, RD, Michelle Williams BSN, RN, CPN,Ahmad Abdelmoity MD
Pediatric Neurology, (2014) 1-4

[7] Optimal clinical management of children receiving the ketogenic diet: Recommendations of the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group
By Eric H. Kossoff, Beth A. Zupec-Kania, Per E. Amark, Karen R. Ballaban-Gil, A. G. Christina Bergqvist, Robyn Blackford, Jeffrey R. Buchhalter, Roberto H. Caraballo, J. Helen Cross, ‡Maria G. Dahlin, §§Elizabeth J. Donner, Joerg Klepper, Rana S. Jehle, Heung Dong Kim, Y. M. Christiana Liu, Judy Nation, Douglas R. Nordli, Jr., Heidi H. Pfeifer, Jong M. Rho, Carl E. Stafstrom, Elizabeth A. Thiele, Zahava Turner, Elaine C. Wirrell, JamesW. Wheless,Pierangelo Veggiotti, Eileen P. G. Vining and The Charlie, Foundation, and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society
Epilepsia, **(*):1–14, 2008, doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01765.

[8] Ketogenic diet guidelines for infants with refractory epilepsy
Elles van der Louw a,*, Dorine van den Hurk b, Elizabeth Neal c, Barbel Leiendecker d, Georgiana Fitzsimmon e, Laura Dority f, Lindsey Thompson g, Maddelena Marchio h, Magdalena Dudzinska i, Anastasia Dressler j, Joerg Klepper k, Stephane Auvin l, J. Helen Cross m
European Journal of Paeditaric Neurology  (2016) 1-1 2 

[9] The Ketogenic Diet: One Decade Later
John M. Freeman, Eric H. Kossoff and Adam L. Hartman
Pediatrics 2007;119;535-543, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2006-2447 

[10] Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in patients with chronic epilepsy: A randomized trial q
Alan W.C. Yuen a,b, Josemir W. Sander a,b,*, Dominique Fluegel a,b, Philip N. Patsalos a,b, Gail S. Bell a,b, Tony Johnson c, Matthias J. Koepp
Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 253–258

[11] Optimal clinical management of children receiving the ketogenic diet: Recommendations of the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group
By Eric H. Kossoff, Beth A. Zupec-Kania, Per E. Amark, §Karen R. Ballaban-Gil, A. G. Christina Bergqvist, Robyn Blackford, Jeffrey R. Buchhalter, Roberto H. Caraballo, J. Helen Cross, Maria G. Dahlin, §§Elizabeth J. Donner, Joerg Klepper, Rana S. Jehle, Heung Dong Kim, Y. M. Christiana Liu, Judy Nation, Douglas R. Nordli, Jr., Heidi H. Pfeifer, Jong M. Rho, Carl E. Stafstrom, Elizabeth A. Thiele, Zahava Turner, Elaine C. Wirrell, JamesW. Wheless, Pierangelo Veggiotti, Eileen P. G. Vining and The Charlie, Foundation, and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society
Epilepsia, **(*):1–14, 2008, doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01765.x

[12] Polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched diet therapy for a child with epilepsy, Case report
By Jung-Rim Yoon a, Eun Joo Lee b, Heung Dong Kim c, Jae Hwan Lee d, Hoon-Chul Kang c,⇑
Brain & Development xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

[13] A randomized trial of polyunsaturated fatty acids for refractory epilepsy q – Brief Communication
Edward Bromfield, Barbara Dworetzky, Shelley Hurwitz, Zina Eluri, Lara Lane, Sonia Replansky, David Mostofsky
Epilepsy & Behavior 12 (2008) 187–190 

[14] Worldwide Use of the Ketiogenic Diet
Epilepsia, 46(2):280-289, 2005
Eric H. Kossoff and Jane R. McGrogan
The Pediatric Epilepsy Center, Departments of Neurology and  Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryalnd, USA


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